NHSG new head teacher wants “period of stability”
Michael Tippett, Newcastle High School for Girls’ new and first male head teacher, says he wants to give parents and students security after a period of instability at the school. Former head teacher Hilary French was dismissed from her role in June 2018 following an internal investigation into allegations of dishonesty relating to expenses claims.
Tippett has been acting as the senior deputy head at NHSG for four years, having taught classics at the school and at Central Newcastle High. NHSG was founded in 2014 following the merger of Central and Church High School.
“I think what this school needs is a period of stability,” he told JesmondLocal. “When I took over in September, it was very clear that a line has been drawn under the issues from the past. We are now all looking forward to a very exciting and positive way for the future.”

NHSG is part of the Girls’ Day School Trust (GDST) which appointed Tippett. “Mr Tippett really impressed us with his vision for the school’s growth and development as it goes forward over the coming years,” said a spokesperson. “He is a true champion for our girls to make maximum progress and develop into confident and adventurous young women, well prepared to become leaders of the future in every possible sense. He led on many school-wide initiatives, including the development of the pastoral system, the pupil voice and the SHINE outreach programme.”
Tippett stressed his intention to further strengthen those areas, rather than introducing new projects.
“We are still a relatively new school, so it is important that we demonstrate our worth to our parent body, to the girls, to the community. I see my main role as building on previous success because there are very firm foundations already in place. At the moment, my job is to keep that process going and then look for more radical projects in the future.”
When asked to comment on the investigation into Hilary French and the allegations of dishonesty, Mr Tippett said: “I am not in contact with her.” When asked the same question, the spokesperson for the GDST said that the police are investigating and “we are not able to comment any further about this”.
In June, the police confirmed that “a 62-year-old woman has been arrested on suspicion of committing a fraud against Newcastle High School for Girls. She was later released under investigation and inquiries into the fraud are ongoing.”
However, a Northumbria Police spokesperson told JesmondLocal that there is no update on the investigation into Hilary French.