Jesmond Residents Association warns residents of a spike in vehicle theft

The Jesmond Residents Association (JRA) has warned residents about a number of recent vehicle thefts after 22 incidents were recorded last month across the Jesmond and Heaton area.
The JRA said that the early morning of 13th November saw “two hooded youths on bicycles or e-bikes making a getaway from a car break in at the bottom end of Grosvenor Road”. The incident was reported to the police and is being followed up.
A resident living at the end of Grosvenor Road, who asked to stay anonymous, witnessed a car theft incident at 5:40am on the morning of 12th. She told JesmondLocal: “I happened to be awake when I heard the screeching of a bike outside my window. After a few minutes I went to have a look when I saw a man with a hoody getting on a bike. I looked over at the other side of the road and there was another man hovering around a car before getting on his bike too”.
She added: “The incident really shook me up. However, strangely, nothing had actually been stolen.”
The resident told JesmondLocal that the glove compartment to her car was open and a pair of sunglasses which weren’t hers were left within it.
The unnamed resident believed she was a victim of keyless car theft, where criminals use machines to spoof the signals sent from key fobs and gain access to vehicles. “I think they are targeting roads close to Jesmond Dene because it is an easy escape for them,” she said.
A number of residents in Jesmond replied to the JRA’s online warning to be on the lookout for thieves, saying they have experienced the same type of incident in Jesmond.
Tim Clarkson, a student living in Jesmond, experienced a different type of vehicle theft when his motorbike was stolen from his back garden. He told JesmondLocal: “I had gone home for a few days thinking it would be okay to leave the motorbike there.”
He added: “I thought Jesmond was a safe place, but I’ve learned my lesson and now know that thieves will take whatever they like. They probably know that students are easy targets.”
The JRA also shared information about keyless car theft and how to avoid it. Northumbria Police also offer information on their website about how to keep vehicles safe, such as locking vehicles, parking responsibly and keeping keys safe.