JesmondLocal festival issue #1
Student reporters create eight-page print newspaper in just a few hours
Student reporters create eight-page print newspaper in just a few hours
Nobby Solano kicks off festival of almost 90 events in 18 days. James Al-Mudallal and Nelly Stavropoulou report
Local artist Julia Barton designs new entrance for Jesmond orchard. View Katrina Stevenson’s slideshow and report
As community festival approaches, local choirs take to the streets. Watch this video report by Alexandra Carr, Maria Loupa and Nelly Stavropoulou
Local lettings agent challenges residents to capture the essence of Jesmond in a photograph.
Jesmond-based band members talk to Kerstin Vogel and Linda Guma about their new single, which you can listen to here
Charlotte Krol and Nelly Stavropoulou chat to one of Jesmond’s liveliest house bands about chart covers and ‘70s medleys
Fashion enthusiasts gather in Jesmond next weekend in support of church, reports Maria Loupa
Jesmond Methodist Church seeking illustrations of community life, report Maria Loupa and Nelly Stavropoulou
Newcastle University’s Gilbert & Sullivan society celebrates 60th anniversary with swash-buckling comic opera, report Charlotte Krol and Nelly Stavropoulou.