Jesmond’s elderly forced to wait for new flu jab
As we reach flu season, Jesmond pharmacists and doctor are worried about flu jab shortages – but are wary of speaking publicly, reports Andrew Paterson
As we reach flu season, Jesmond pharmacists and doctor are worried about flu jab shortages – but are wary of speaking publicly, reports Andrew Paterson
Tenants renting houses and flats in Jesmond say they hope contentious proposals by Newcastle City Council will prevent landlords from letting out dirty, damaged and dangerous properties.
Students in Jesmond have helped to “Leave Newcastle Happy” by collecting 5.5 tonnes of household waste in specially provided skips, according to a new report
Residents have been raising their concerns following a number of pets suffering injuries to their paws because of broken glass on Jesmond streets and footpaths.
A national body representing landlords claims rents will rise in areas like Jesmond if Newcastle City Council expands its licensing activities to landlords. It also says the scheme will fail to improve housing conditions.
October is Breast Cancer Awareness month, and the 15 women who came to the Northumberland Club last Friday were welcomed with a large tray of pink cupcakes, pink chocolates and several bottles of Prosecco.
Heavy rain and storm warnings shifted Jesmond’s annual Apple Day back a day, but they didn’t dampen the enthusiasm of its organisers and visitors. Apple Day is a nationally celebrated event each October and Jesmond holds its event in the Community Orchard near Forsyth Road
The Little Free Library concept operates on a system of “take a book, leave a book”: visitors are encouraged to take any book on the shelves that they fancy, read it, share it and leave another book on the shelves that they think others would enjoy.
Newcastle City Council says it is committing £100,000 for tree planting, following a newspaper investigation that shows Newcastle has become the tree-felling capital of the UK.
Newcastle City Council is holding viewings today and tomorrow for anyone with ideas for new ways to use Brandling Park – the former Brandling Bowling Green and Pavilions, situated at the end of Clayton Road in Jesmond. The Council says it is keen to hear