Controversial Haldane Bridge decision rumbles on
All sides are unhappy with delay on a decision about the future of Haldane Bridge, Daniel Wales and Azu Mugnier report
All sides are unhappy with delay on a decision about the future of Haldane Bridge, Daniel Wales and Azu Mugnier report
Developer promises only anonymised and aggregated data will be passed on to the city council
Ahead of the final meeting on November 28th, the JRA says work has been ‘positive’ on Blue House – though media are shut out – as Dom Partridge reports
Newcastle City Council is forced into a humiliating stepdown by people power over Blue House roundabout
Work to redesign Acorn Road has “achieved very little”, says one North Jesmond councillor, while others praise people-friendly redesign
Imogen-Scott Chambers was in attendance to recap the North Jesmond ward meeting, which happened on December 16th
Lauren Allen reports on residents’ views about changes to Jesmond’s Brandling Park area as part of a £5.7m citywide plan
Sam Doyle talks to retailers and campaigners about the ongoing construction work to make Acorn Road one-way to cars
Part of Jesmond Dene Road will be closed to vehicles for up to 18 months from December, Lauren Allen reports
Carly Peacock reports that campaigners are unhappy at “compromised” plans for Acorn Road