Royal Grammar School students celebrate success in nationwide maths and English challenge

Three dozen pupils from the Royal Grammar School (RGS), received awards following their participation in the Annual Doodle Learning Summer Challenge.
Earlier this month students celebrated their hard work practising maths and English for just a few minutes each day, using DoodleLearning’s apps.
Created by Discovery Education, the apps DoodleMaths and DoodleEnglish are designed to motivate pupils during the school holidays and prevent summer learning loss. Forbes reports children lose up to 40% of annual learning over the summer break.
Howard Lewis, Discovery Education’s UK and International managing director said, “Our Doodle apps are a great way to extend learning beyond the classroom. We’re committed to creating content and resources that ignite students’ curiosity and make learning fun.”
Lewis added: “We’re delighted that so many children entered this year’s Doodle Learning Summer Challenge and congratulate Royal Grammar School Newcastle on their success!”
Discovery Education utilises technology that adapts to user input to enhance children’s learning, filling gaps in their knowledge. Fun rewards for completing challenges, such as collecting stars, boost the children’s confidence.
Tom Lloyd, a Year 6 teacher and Head of Maths at RGS Junior School told JesmondLocal that the “challenge provides a great opportunity for children to practice a ‘little and often approach’ to their mathematics.”
While it was not mandatory, Lloyd was pleased to see a good uptake in participation. He added: “The children love collecting their badges and this helps to reinforce good habits and keeps the enjoyment and excitement high around Doodling.”
Year 5 pupil Martha said, “I did the Summer Challenge because it’s nice to get a pin badge and a high streak. I know if I Doodle daily, I will improve my maths loads!”
More than 18,000 children participated in the challenge, from 647 schools across the country.
Award winner and Year 6 pupil Oliver said, “I really enjoy Doodle Maths because it is super fun, and you learn different skills to solve problems.”
Parents interested in learning about Discovery Education’s DoodleMaths and DoodleEnglish personalised learning programme for their own children can visit the following links.