Tag Archives: Newcastle City Council

Labour and Lib Dems hold on to their Jesmond seats

Labour has managed to retain its South Jesmond seat with the victory of Lesley Storey in Thursday’s elections for Newcastle City Council. Storey clinched the seat vacated by former councillor Judy Pearce, who resigned suddenly after less than a year due to health reasons. And

Jesmond’s 2019 wish list revealed

What would the people who live and work in Jesmond like their local and national politicians to achieve this year? Reporters Andrew Paterson and Jerry Chen took to the streets to discover the items on 2019’s to-do list.

Lord Mayor launches Jesmond Community Festival 2018

Jesmond Community Festival 2018 kicks-off this weekend, with more than 100 events for local people to experience and enjoy. Reporting by Madeleine Letherby and Thomas Goodall Lord Mayor Linda Wright and town crier Marjorie Dodds launched the three-week festival on Tuesday (May 1st) at a