Shaving heads for charity

Shave heads, jesmondlocal, norcare, jesmond, holy biscuit church, linda guma, global xchange

Peter Ennals shaves his head for charity

Three volunteers shaved their heads this month at the Holy Biscuit Church in order to raise awareness about Norcare and its work in empowering vulnerable people in the north east.

The event raised £100 and the volunteers involved hope to raise more money with forthcoming projects. All the money that is raised will go to a Clients Activity Fund.

The volunteers have been placed with Norcare as part of an overseas volunteering scheme called Global Xchange (GX).

Clara Borg has been working with Norcare for the past three months and organised the event.

She told JesmondLocal: “I wanted to make people more aware of the work that Norcare does. The organisation provides a range of support services and accommodation for vulnerable people. Some of its packages are specific to alcoholics, while others are targeted at drug-addicts, and others are for people coming out of prison without any family support.”

Established in 1984, Norcare is dedicated to helping some of the north east region’s most disadvantaged people to rebuild their lives. It works with homeless and socially- or economically-excluded people who are aged 16 and over in Newcastle and across the region.

Norcare helps vulnerable people stand up for their rights and provides them with assistance in finding homes. It also provides them with support in the form of confidence building and other skills necessary for living independently. Norcare also provides people with activity funds to help them reach their goals to progress. Its packages are personalised for each individual to meet everyone’s unique needs.