What’s happening at Jesmond’s Exhibition Park?

The volunteers who support Exhibition Park in Jesmond are inviting local people to hear about their plans for the coming year – and encouraging them to join in.

This afternoon’s (10th May) meeting will begin at 5pm in the Exhibition Park Café, which is located in the centre of the park. Organisers say the aim of the meeting is to enlist the help of people who care about the park and would like to volunteer to make the park even better. They say everyone is welcome to join the meeting and find out how they could get involved in some of the big or small projects that are taking place in the Park.

There will be a chance to meet other volunteers and discover what has been done in the past too

Jobs to do in the park include helping to plant and manage gardens; taking photos and graphics; reporting wildlife sightings and park needs; helping to design or make an island in the lake; keeping others up to date online through the Exhibition Park website, Facebook and (of course) JesmondLocal; joining an Exhibition partners group; helping to run the café; and delivering newsletters and helping to keep in touch with other volunteers.

For further information, email Frances Hinton: frances_hinton@yahoo.com