Category Archives: Community

Not enough accountability in South Jesmond, say residents

South Jesmond residents have accused councillors of lacking a plan to tackle a range of perennial problems facing the ward. They have also complained about a lack of accountability following the decision to make ward meetings annual. The main concerns raised at last month’s South

Church invites newcomers for the love of poetry

William Wordsworth said “poetry takes its origin from emotion recollected in tranquility”, so it’s fitting that a Jesmond poetry club should meet in a church to share love for this particular art form. And tomorrow, as part of Jesmond Community festival, the club will open

Best neighbours on Buston Terrace

Jesmond students Frankie Eldred, Lucy Clarkson, Rebecca Trafford, Katie Lynn, Kelly MacDonald and Megan Forster have been named the March winners of a competition to find the household that has gone ‘above and beyond’ to be responsible and considerate neighbours. The students were nominated by their