Mozart and Brahms come to Jesmond through choral performances
Amy Bolton hears Jesmond Choral Group as they prepare for concerts this week, and learns more about requiems
Amy Bolton hears Jesmond Choral Group as they prepare for concerts this week, and learns more about requiems
Young musicians to play at Jesmond Cricket Club on May 16th, Zoe Barber and Josie Ayre report
A month of events is around the corner. Kat Stevenson visited the launch event to learn more
Ahead of their performance on May 12th at Jesmond Library from 6pm, JesmondLocal learns more about the Crossings project
Who have you heard from? How engaged are you in local and European politics? Ahead of elections in three weeks time, we ask you some questions
Chris Clarke chats to Amy Bolton about what to look forward to at this year’s Jesmond Community Festival
With local elections less than two months away, campaigns are forming. Carla Fitoiu and Marlene Loesken talk to Labour representatives
We’re asking your thoughts ahead of local elections in May – and this week we’re interested in specifics
JesmondLocal reporters take an e-cigarette to local hotspots to see whether it’s accepted
Megan Cunningham and Nathan Buck visit Jesmond library for an update on progress since it was saved from closure last year. Watch their video report