Streets for People take action to make Jesmond roads greener
The plan by the local campaign group drew a mixed response when it took over parking spaces on Acorn Road, reports Oliver Assogna
The plan by the local campaign group drew a mixed response when it took over parking spaces on Acorn Road, reports Oliver Assogna
Eleasha Rowney meets with owner Karen Kevelighan to find out about Jesmond’s latest arrival
Devonshire Place topped the list for anti-social behaviour complaints between the new intake of students and the end of the calendar year, reports James Vesty
Young people condemn the anti-student mood voiced at the debate, Valentina Egorova reports
Local resident and businessman Ian Watson has donated £1,000 to the Jesmond Residents Association (JRA) for a real Christmas tree to be put up on Acorn Road.
Jesmond residents need not fear for the future of their breakfast table quite yet, Chris Middleton finds
Work to redesign Acorn Road has “achieved very little”, says one North Jesmond councillor, while others praise people-friendly redesign
Supermarket chain opens its doors at West Jesmond site on Friday, James Mackay reveals
Imogen Scott-Chambers and Ritwik Sarkar take you through the week’s stories in Jesmond, including disabled access and korfball
Eleni Kefallinou meets the owner of Navaho Cafe, the latest addition to Acorn Road, and discovers the cafe’s plans