St Hilda’s Sparkles in Christmas tree contest
Amy Bolton reports on church’s now well-rooted festive event
Amy Bolton reports on church’s now well-rooted festive event
Amy Bolton looks ahead to the Christmas events in Jesmond over the coming weeks
Mark Summers looks ahead to tomorrow’s meeting about the library’s future
Local trainer’s vision is of a work-out space free from “great big muscle men”, reports Megan Cunningham
Amy Bolton looks ahead to this year’s festive tree competition
Amy Bolton reports on Newcastle Cricket Club’s 125th anniversary celebrations
Kathryn Littledyke reports on the annual church event
Kids enjoy the atmosphere at Jesmond’s famous wooded valley, with pumpkin carving and ghost stories, writes Amy Bolton.
Proposals for making Acorn Road more “community-friendly” would damage trade, say local shops. Video interviews by Nelly Stavropoulou and Sophie Bauckham
Transition Jesmond quizzes public on their choice of transport, reports Kerstin Vogel