West Jesmond students strut recycled outfits
School holds Green Day to encourage environment-friendly action. Nelly Stavropoulou and Linda Guma report
School holds Green Day to encourage environment-friendly action. Nelly Stavropoulou and Linda Guma report
Newcastle City Council reconsiders plan to chop down trees on Jesmond Dene Road, reports Nathan Buck.
Local people are being asked to shape a set of minimum standards, and suggest how they should be enforced, reports Bob Cooper
Local store dedicates till just for shoppers who bring their own bags, reports Kerstin Vogel
Students, residents and rangers join for litter picking effort. Watch Kerstin Vogel and Katrina Stevenson’s slideshow
Council’s attempt to involve local people in decision-making about cutbacks is great opportunity to increase interest in the running of Jesmond, argues Tony Waterston
Horticultural knowledge exchange taps into local gardeners’ collective knowledge, as Bob Cooper reports
Library hosts local photography exhibition as part of festival. Watch this slideshow by Maria Loupa and Nelly Stavropoulou
Supporters and opponents lock horns at Newcastle Cricket Club. David Harrison is your match commentator
Volunteers invite locals to find out how they can get involved in plans for the next 12 months. Kerstin Vogel reports