JesmondLocal wants your thoughts
Help guide and improve our political coverage in the run up to local elections in May
Help guide and improve our political coverage in the run up to local elections in May
Newcastle City Council plans changes to Clayton Road, but how will this impact traffic and business in the area? Carla Fitoiu and David Naylor found out
JesmondLocal reporters take an e-cigarette to local hotspots to see whether it’s accepted
Torrential downpours didn’t dissuade true love, as our special video report shows
Antiques shop closes for the final time on March 15th: we chart its history
JesmondLocal visits Cake Poppins to see how Kate Emmett is running her small business
Megan Cunningham and Nathan Buck visit Jesmond library for an update on progress since it was saved from closure last year. Watch their video report
Morgan Ayre and Eliza Fayer ask council and police representatives if enough is being done to keep streets safe at night
JesmondLocal reporters ask parents on Eskdale Terrace why they choose to drive. Watch their video
JesmondLocal meets the head of a bell-ringing team who has been pealing for half a century