Eco shoppers jump the queues at Waitrose
Local store dedicates till just for shoppers who bring their own bags, reports Kerstin Vogel
Local store dedicates till just for shoppers who bring their own bags, reports Kerstin Vogel
Students, residents and rangers join for litter picking effort. Watch Kerstin Vogel and Katrina Stevenson’s slideshow
Horticultural knowledge exchange taps into local gardeners’ collective knowledge, as Bob Cooper reports
Volunteers invite locals to find out how they can get involved in plans for the next 12 months. Kerstin Vogel reports
Ranger Sarah Capes tells Nelly Stavropoulou and Linda Guma about the vital role played by locals in the Ouseburn parks
Local artist Julia Barton designs new entrance for Jesmond orchard. View Katrina Stevenson’s slideshow and report
SCAN helps out every Wednesday at Jesmond Community Orchard, reports Linda Guma.
Follow the debate and decisions as they happened, courtesy of live-bloggers Bob Cooper and Katrina Stevenson
Plastic bag campaigners urge locals to test retailers on their commitment to green scheme, reports Kerstin Vogel
Locals urged to sign-up before tomorrow’s council meeting on budget cuts